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If you have the opportunity to mentor someone in business, know that it can be life-changing for them. 

Updated: Dec 10, 2024

If not for my mentors, friends and family in the accounting business, I would be in a very different position today. If you have the opportunity to mentor someone in business, know that it can be life-changing for them. 


Mentorships are the key to super-powering success. Learning from those who went through the trial and error themselves is essential so that you don't make the same mistakes, and know which right things to do. 

Look at these words of Maimonides, the great Rabbi, philosopher and doctor:

[Gifts to the Poor 10:7]

"The highest level of charity beyond which there is none is a person who supports someone who has fallen into entering a partnership with him, or finding him work so that his hand will be fortified so that he will not have to ask others for should support him before he falls and becomes needy".

Counter-intuitive, but the highest level of charity can be achieved without giving a cent to such a person. Just give them some of your time. 

Maintaining their self respect and teaching them to become self-sufficient is the greatest gift possible.

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